AboveStory (Test Build)
2 months ago


Hi guys, Mr. Wendo here!

I have started to work on how to save the game and the time for the file.

Seems a lil tough for me but I'll finish this quickly. (hopefully)




Next up


I just want to say sorry for going "offline" for a while.

I was just working on this silly project...


My next video will (most likely) be about my game.

But until then, see you soon! :>

-Mr. Wendo


Hi y'all, Mr. Wendo here!

Here is my progress on the platform character.

Once I finish adding everything in, I'll go back to my tutorial and start again from there.

But that's all I have for now. See you guys soon!

-Mr. Wendo


Hi y'all, Mr. Wendo here!

This is my current progress on the platform character.

I think after a few tweaks here and there I should be done.

But that is all I have for now!

See you guys for the next update!

-Mr. Wendo


Hi guys, Mr. Wendo here!

I am now working on the "platformer character".

All of its animations are done. Now I just gotta make sure all of his movement works perfectly.

Welp that's all I have for now! See ya for the next weekly post!

-Mr. Wendo

Sup...Ik its been a while and I just wanna sorry. With the school work I lost track of you guys. But that doesn't mean I did nothing while I was away. I have been working on the soundtrack (OST) for Upperstory Which I love doing! Enjoy these screenshots!


Hi Guys, Mr. Wendo here!

Things have been going pretty well. For the past week, I have been working on the new title screen (Before/After)

I think this new one fits the vibe of the game more.

That's all I have for now. See y'all soon!

-Mr. Wendo


Hi y’all, Mr. Wendo here!

I’ve been creating the ladder function for the platform character.

After I finish that I think all of the character’s move set will be completed.

But that’s all I have for now. See you guys next week!

-Mr. Wendo

Hi guys! For these past few months I have been mostly working on the inventory for the menu. It's not done yet but I have a good feeling that I have done most of the hard work. For now, enjoy these screenshots!

Summer Time.


Now that summer is happening and school is over. Look out for more updates about my game 😎. And who knows. I might even post some very interesting soon 🙃.

This Satuday we invite to watch another #speedpainting of our artist Daniel Faiad.

How great is this scene of #Pecaminosa?

#ScreenShotSaturday | #IndieDev | #DigitalArt