Space craft 2

4 years ago


Android version out now.

new versions of exe version

5 levels and both



Next up

New Game Art 1.8 Alpha Version Out Soon

FNAB exe:


created a installer

win7-10 support

and auto updating

small update ~1.6~

added D.R.P settings in settings menu

added moving starts n all levels

The games most update yet ~1.4~

12 levels

new unlock-able rocket

updated the movement

background update refurbished

up'd the time able to get the speed cracker to 20's

fixed token/name saving for login

fixed auto Achieving Trophy's

and (-----)

out soon..

bug fix's ~1.55~

fixed discord rich presence level 2 bug

updated it so it does not have to reconnect for each drp update

reconfigured the ini file

removed the android buttons

fixed screen location arrows

made a nice logo for the game


~17~ is out now

but there are 3 versions

power-shell installer being rebuild

exe version

and pure batch version with cleared folders


exe and powersheel version are out now


new start up screen for exe version

background changing settings change FPS, BACKGROUND , RESET DATA and audio volume


bug fix

fixed windows cannot find "FNAF-BATCH.EXE"


and finished windows 10 FNAF powershell version