Tapes on $ale - Sold out (TOS 2)
2 years ago




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follow @mac_n_cheeseiscool NOW he is AWESOME and is LITERALLY 1 follower away from four hundro right now . if you haven't I WILL FIND YOU !!!!!!!!!

Bop's tips and tricks #1 - MUSIC 101 !!! ( ft. beepbox ) follow this game follow this game follow this game follow this game follow this game follow this game YOU ARE LEGALLY OBLIGATED TO FOLLOW GAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's so awesome and cool and awesomee and so cooooooolllllll

. sammy

Sorry for very little updates... well not really i've been purposely giving very little updates to avoid spoiling the game. but just so you know, the game's basically 70-75% finished. so don't worry. expect something more in a few days.

Tomorrow (ayo a sequel that didn't get cancelled? fr?)

hi this game is not dead, it's actually going really damn smoothly

Tapes on $ale 2 is out NOW!!! report any bugs