Five Afternoons With My Therapist : The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny
6 months ago

6 months later: Progress update

Hello everyone! you're probably wondering "Who the fuck is that and why is she in my feed"

If you're not, oh well I tried.

It has been 6 months since my last progress update, and that is for the following reason:

I've lost all motivation to work on anything

But, no worries, the project will not be canned, I'll just take my time and code bits at a time. I can't promise a release date, but hopefully, in the first half of this year, it will be done.

Thank you for reading, and I will see you in the next progress update, hopefully in a bit less than 6 months

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Next up

2 New Characters joins the frey!

The game is over... Or so you think

Someone is finally roaming in the building, and it's non other than the tall guy!

Gaem is out

My favorite LGBTQ+ character must be Madeline from Celeste, one of many perfect strawberries! #PrideJolt

Here's something to look forward to, I wonder what those pitch black spots are 🤔

Here's the main way to move, along with a few objects that might be necessary to your survival in this game!

A little Sneak Peak of what I've worked on these last weeks

They're prepared for you, but are you prepared for them?