8 months ago

(660 followers pinned post)

Heya, welcome my friend! Or new man!

Well, to start, this account has changed a lot through the time and space, so don't be surprised I say weird or old-aged stuff back then.

Yes, lots can change in months.


-- What I love (as I write this) --

Currently, I love JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Rising: Reveangance.

And every of my followers, for existing!

-- Follower Achievement --

600 Followers = Not much now. (Done)

700 Followers = Free FanArt of All my Followers (most important, in my Bio)

800 Followers = Voice reveal...?

900 Followers = The mountains will give back what they took :D

1000 Followers = no idea what was before, so, uh... Devils may cry?

-- About me --

So, I am a 14 years-old boy, nice life, jojo MGRR and DMC fan, past Undertale fan, loves math & science & stuff like that, and I love making games/stories!

If I get weird or over angry, ignore me. It may be too much internet point, so I just go coo coo crazy.
Also, I know sometimes I am overreacting, don't take it seriously. I am a very horrible person, and awesome person, at the same time. Goshdarn cruse we talking here.

-- About you --

You didn't expect that, did you?

So, I must say... Thank you all, for following and supporting me, even through my strangest moments and changes.

You all mean so much to me!

Even if I say I hate you, I still want you alive, and be able to maybe talk, if I am not too hateful.

You know, I am not a bad guy, only trying to be the nicest here, building my community, and being who I am.

1 comment


Next up

Happy Pride Month!

I'm laughing at you.

A fly annoys Megumi.



My favourite Fighting Game Character?

DIO The World from All Star Battle R.

Megumi has a slight issue:

"I am sexy and I know it"

-Gojo Satoru

Longest Animé name

That is pretty short ngl

Favorite Jesus Quote


But why would this GameJolyAsks want to know what game I'd like to have a sequal?

To be honest, GTA V. GTA VI isn't a sequal, it's completely different. So, are you great because you are GTA V, or are you GTA V because you are great?