Undertale: Together
5 years ago

A bit late, but hello!

Howdy, Mikeera here.
It’s been a hot second, eh?

I know…I know. You’re probably all thinking:
“Oh! A devlog, where’s all the new stuff!!!”
Or maybe you aren’t.
But I’ve got some news.
Together has been on a bit of a hiatus. It’s undeniable that School is a killer, when it comes to creativity, motivation, and time. I apologize for the lack of progress, but we ask that you bear with us. Making a game from scratch, with no funding…well. It’s a task, alright. But at least you know it’s being crafted with care! We don’t want to give you folks a half baked game, after all!~

Just…please. Stay with us. I promised we’d never give up on this game. Even if it releases alongside Half Life 3, it will come out.

There’s not much to show in this devlog, so have Mettaton, striking a pose!




Next up

Any thoughts on this Mettaton EX sprite, by Czava?

Can I get your opinions on this idea for sprites?

Which do you prefer- and why?

Sans Sprite & A Webcomic?


Oh Dang Nearly 2k followers UHH OK so leave your BEST questions, and I'll do my best to answer them in a QnA post at 2k. (I'll also toss in some sneaky peakies)

Another Remake of my sprites by AnnoyingCat~

Our new team member, Czava's work! What do you think?

First room in the Sunken Ruins~ (It will have water dripping)

Sans remake by ItsJustRandomMe!