Ultimate Custom Night: DELUXE
1 month ago

A brand new (kind of) modification of the original Ultimate Custom Night in the works, read more below!

Hello everybody, this is an official reprogramming of my old project UCN: DELUXE (Read game description for more info) and with this 2.0 remake I will be releasing 10 characters at a time, 1 row per version, until the full release.

Until the full release, Challenges/Bonus Modes will be locked and only the main gameplay will be accessible. I will be releasing the game this way so I can better see progress with the game, have better motivation to work on the project, and take in YOUR player feedback during development!



Next up

Them: "You'll never finish Deluxe"

Me: "I Can-Do this!"

When I finish Beta 1 menu code

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!


Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

revamped camera system


Devlog 1 - Now we're really cooking!

All the beta 1 characters besides Toy Freddy have been coded and I think I'm set for a release tomorrow.

So with that being said, game tomorrow!