3 days ago

a couple of Oranges

the sprites in the first image were made by @Funtermore

the second and third images were made by soft_heartz on Discord

and the fourth image was made by @wwads1800 on Twitter



Next up

hey look the person I wrote on Garth's paper took notice

elon is such a fucking loser lmao

couldn't handle being called out for liking weird shit

and finally, this one is @Yoshi_The_Pyrosaur 's

Sakuya Yoshi.

Sakuyoshi the Meidosaur.

the most ridiculous, yet beautiful one of them all.

yeesh all these bug fixes have left a sour taste in my mouth

so allow me to remind you that the current version of heart squad revamp has brand spanking new knocked down sprites courtesy of the lovely @vulture_salesman

Reimu Brad.

Bradmu Armkurei.

Patchouli Jack.

Jackouli Knowledge.

look at him go, he's so eager to learn magic!!!

eh, I was pretty close regarding my last post

Marisa Lisa.

Malisa Kirisamstrong.

(I could've gone for Terry and called him Terrisa instead but no I wanted to make Malisa)

Yuuto Ichika Garth.

Yuuto Ichikarth?


whatever you wanna call him.

...what do you mean you don't know who Yuuto Ichika is?

this one is @Deez337 's character

Kasen Draco.

Kasen Ibaraco?

not a very good name, this one.