The Kila Mashup
2 years ago

A demo is out!



Next up

sorry had to fix smthn

random image

a demo will be out soon i guess, maybe today if I'm not lazy.

Is it okay if I put whole trailers?

I don't agree 100% with rebelling against the Scratch Team, but I think it's unfair that they are so exaggerated with their regulations

dang it the idiots are at my window again

Thanks for the 50 followers!

We would like to present Frances, the axoloth!

She will have an important rule to the story and the gameplay of this game!

a teaser releasing at 10:30 pm because i dont get sleep!!!!!!

hey yall its my birthday

Devlog 7


It seems this page has been rotting for a while.

Well, here's some news.

RE-RUN has been 103% finished now, so yay.

Oh, and when this nightmare releases, I'll release standalone versions of the games with extras.

have pictures now yay.

im dying