2 years ago

a fan art For @Drip_Nerds ! :D



Next up

wow nevermind ITS A 50 50 I THINK SCP 860 WOULD DEFINETLY WIN AGAINST EEEYYY [image is based off the image from @GREENbutton_redBUTTON's og green button and new one post poll]

Scp 860 Hates All My Characters Be Like:[a short comic]

yet again i have remaked her once again

@the_blender_ i like n too,he look cute and his eyes reminds me of meta knight,this is what meta knight looks like btw

Eeeyyy seems to be happy about something...i wonder what it is

scp 860 becoming sad [i remember uploading this video at march 2022 good times!] <:D

you all voted stay as Eeeyyy,okay i guess its sorted,heres what scp 860 looks like [she was the first character i used in gamejolt][also she isn't my character,she is from scp containment breach a horror game made in 2012][i didn't draw this]

a fan made bonus ending for the dumb ways too die comic for @GREENbutton_redBUTTON [the ending was ridicoulous even the second part]

green button fanart YAY

upcoming comic im making