2 years ago

A FNwMT RP Wiki is a bad idea.



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Abandoned Woody's Final Model

By @Chronisgr2010 (Aka me, who created the model)

Here's Woody's design for the Game. I had started working on his model back in 10/9/2023 and finished the model a few months later.

Progress on Mac's new model.

Mac Tonight: Grimace Birthday Shake Special

Progress on Buzz's Model has Started! Ignore the eye textures, I make the models normal first and then edit them. But, yeeaah, this game will take a while to complete.

Tempted to do a render of Grimace with the Grimace shake, if I were to do that does anyone have like a texture of the cup for me to put a mesh, or offer to make one? I'll give credit where need be of course! Plugin 'n all

Mac's New model is done! Also, the header and teaser images have been removed from the gamepage, so that I can make the new ones. Expect new content soon!

The Hallway
