Gradient Run [beta 1.0]
9 years ago

A Great Start

Gradient Run [beta] is Xion Develper Group’s first official release. Headed by Michael Miller Jr, and teaming with various individuals who wish to pool their talents, XDG is but a fledgling development team (it’s not even anything of a game company, hense the “Group”). Michael has been learning the ins-and-outs of game development for the last two years, primarily learning via Construct 2 game editor/HTML5 engine.

Aiming to refine himself in the discipline of game making, Michael entered the #construct2coinop Game Jam (hosted here at Game Jolt), taking on an ambitious, but doable, project that melded features from 7 classic video games. The final product released for the jam was not perfect, but it was a success for very personal reasons. Primarily: a project was finally finished. For some time, Michael has been keeping close to heart the Biblical verse Ecclesiastes 7:8, “Better is a patient finish than a boastful beginning.” It was the finishing part that he struggled with the most.

With Gradient Run [beta] finally out, it marks the beginning of a new level for Xion Developers Group. While the game is not groundbreaking,nor did it place in the top three of the Game Jam, it has been met with mostly positive and certainly construtive reviews. Here on Game Jolt, within the first couple of days, the game was given three votes with an average score of 4/5. A surprising and very welcomed and appreciated response.

Work begins anew to refine noted flaws or lacking features in the game. Michael will be leading the team - Emily Eason (3D modeler), Joy Eason (concept artist), and Ryan A Miller (composer) - to refine the game and add missing features. The scheduled release date for the completed game is July 31, 2015.



Next up

#GJAsks WHAT VIDEO GAME WORLD WOULD YOU LIVE IN? Look at me, Link. I'm her hero now.


A self-replicating virus has overrun a computer system. A sole remaining anti-virus File must save the remaining System Files and stop the Master Virus in an epic battle.

Shoot-'em-action with adventure/exploration (and some RPG).

Deep in Sector R-3.17.94, asteroid mining cadet, Sero, is stranded! With little air & jetpack fuel, he must reach the space station or die! Moving & shooting uses fuel! Hitting obstacles can cost both! Another problem: The jetpack is stuck ON! (W.I.P.)

Deep in Sector R-3.17.94, asteroid mining cadet, Sero, is stranded! With little air & jetpack fuel, he must reach the space station or die! Moving & shooting uses fuel! Hitting obstacles can cost both! Another problem: The jetpack is stuck ON! (W.I.P.)


It's a toss-up between...

- Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES)

- Perfect Dark" (N64)

- Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES).

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


Fan art for Foolish I'm feeling kinda better so I drew this

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#steam #uniduni #clops #screenshotsaturday

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

Another house i made long time ago.