ANARCHY! murder time trio

4 years ago

A Happy two month anniversary for anarchy murder time trio!

Anarchy murder time trio has had two months of glory! We have pride in we’re it is today, and I thank you all for getting me here! Even these guys are celebrating! I hope you guys enjoy the community! I will be posting a special video in celebration for the two month anniversary! Thanks for your guys help with getting me we’re I am now!



Next up

“Well actually, you can’t just take a month long break and come back without context.”

aw hell nah

woa is that elatrednu (real)

my concept of a elatrednu finale where flowey only has the patience soul and the battle goes on for a while since it’s well the patience soul idk random concept this drawing took me about like 2 days


I finally got this done with. I might consider doing phase two but I might find it hard

first time trying out aseprite, really good progam to be fully honest, heres some things i made with it. im suprised i did so well beacuse on my computer im out of my comfort zone (most of my sprites are made on my I pad)


Guys what do you think of the new designs? Any changes I should make? I feel like I’ve been trying to stylize the designs more (comparison shown above).

Fun fact from me:

my least fav of the new designs is dust killer

Another pretty big teaser.

Alright you guys, this is more hype content before I post phase three but here’s this