2 days ago

A hidden, cancelled game of mine.

"Five Nights at Sonic's 4 DLC: Reworked"


Banner art

Some Info about this.

So around the time FNaS ALL-Stars was cancelled, I at first, wanted to recreate what FNaS 4 would have been like in ALL-Stars, with in a few days later, I switched the idea, and created this, I wanted it to be a "definitive version" of the DLC, sense there were no other ones out there, from what I know of, and besides DLC Reborn.

So afterwords, I got to work on it, and I had like, half of the cast drawn out, then a few months pasted, I made a post that said if that we reached 1,500 followers (I don't know if it's still up or not), I would post a teaser for an upcoming game, at first, it was going to be a teaser with Toy Golden Sonic, but my spawnday was coming up, and dropped the idea, which then used a teaser for the FNaBFF Remake, which I don't think anyone has found it, sense the teaser was meant to be hidden within the post article.

The reason why I didn't want to post the teaser was because I wanted to post a teaser, later on after my spawnday.

But unfortunately, I never ended up doing so, FNaBFF: FNaB came around, and thus the project was cancelled.


Thumnail art

Reasons Why I Cancelled It.

I didn't want to overwork myself with all these games I wanted to work on, I have my games, FNaF: AE 1, FNaB: FNaBFF, and then I had worked on other games as well.

Second, I kind of forgot that I was working on it for a while, and while I kept trying to get some progress done, I wasn't able to, and just gave up and lost motivation.

Third, the "Five Night's at Blacklight's" idea came around, and I wanted to try at least one last time to "achieve" what I wanted to do when I made the first remake, by that I mean actually making it a game and not just a gamepage. And at the time I wanted to limit how many games I wanted to work on.

Lastly, I'm not really into FNaS as much as was before, I won't speak any further than that, so just take it how it is.

While I never spoke about this game, on GameJolt.

I wanted to speak about it now. So yeah that's it, this hidden project I had in mind, is uh, cancelled.

I probably won't go back to work on it, and also please. Do NOT use any of these assets, these are here for showcase reasons.



Next up

work in progress room, thingy

Again, whatever this is, have it anyway

Arcade Area W.I.P

Happy Pride month: Gay

Ft. Pride

I've been up for "awhile" to say the least, it's 2AM for where i'm at. I said to myself I wasn't gonna sleep till I get all these rooms done.

Well, me.

I'm gonna sleep once i'm done with this room. Ehhh probably.

Anyways, have a W.I.P of a certain room.

Don't look at her face and especially don't touch it

Fanart of @GascoXD oc Lonley. The 2 rabbits are my ocs

#fanart #art #digitalart #Originalcharacters #OC

The majority the rooms are close to being done.

And i'm trying my hardest to get it done!

but for now have a wip of one of the rooms, it's not much pretty basic

1 more room left to do, The Kitchen!

anyways have the Arcade Area

October 22nd 2023, Wardy in deltarune (concept)

now with even lower quality! let me transcript the text to the article for ya

Probably the most random comment that I've ever gotten.