The second game uses global values to set the a.i. level for each of the characters, which can be customized for night 7. Here's a list of what all the levels are set to for each night.
Second Game A.I Values
Night 1:
Edward - 1
Lucas - 1
John Heads - 0
Sensor - 0
Cinos - 0
Josh - 0
Night 2:
Edward - 3
Lucas - 3
John Heads - 1
Sensor - 1
Cinos - 0
Josh - 0
Night 3:
Edward - 5
Lucas - 5
John Heads - 3
Sensor - 3
Cinos - 1
Josh - 0
Night 4:
Edward - 7
Lucas - 7
John Heads - 5
Sensor - 5
Cinos - 4
Josh - 1
Night 5:
Edward - 9
Lucas - 9
John Heads - 8
Sensor - 7
Cinos - 7
Josh - 5
Night 6:
Edward - 12
Lucas - 12
John Heads - 10
Sensor - 10
Cinos - 11
Josh - 10
Using these a.i levels in custom night will simulate the difficulty of the given night somewhat accurately. Certain things aren't affected by the a.i levels of the characters however. On night 1, Edward and Lucas are set to not move until around a minute and a half after the night starts. The music box is automatically set to drain faster with each night; This is true for the original 'Five Nights at Freddy's 2,' and cannot be adjusted for custom night.