Five Nights at Freddy's - WINTERGREEN
3 years ago

A Letter to Dr.[name omitted]


I know our meetings are meant to be scheduled for Thursdays, but this is important.

[omitted] has been acting very strange lately. She hasn’t been herself. I assumed it was another PTSD episode, but when I asked her, she just gave me a smile and told me she was… Talking to Charlie.

I told you about Charlie last week, yes? How she… died.

I really need to bring [omitted] in today. She truly believes she’s talking to…

Please, write back soon.

Sincerely, Rosina Afton



Next up

Urgent Letter

HmMMm what’s this concept sketch for

3 - A Letter from Dr.[omitted]

ive become something shameful because of him

“ . . Please wait “


we lcom e to t he fo rest

concept sketch for something something

please excuse the wait ;)

hello there mr. new thumbnail

What th