2 years ago

A little cube lore explained (outdated):

Cube understood that Gold is gone so he tryis to find him. He didnt notices a hole in the ground so he falls into a deep cave. After that he hears a voice that says something about colors. It said you must dont touch red or you will die. Cube was scared at first. But then he started passing all the levels. On his way he was seeing a lot of enemyies like: Red cubes, Spikey or even others. After a long of time he found the secret building. He went into it. There was a lot of dangerous things and the voice tryed to kill him. After that on the top of the building he sees how gold turns into red. Cube was in shock but then he started fighting the cube because he would die else. He defeated the cube and got out of the cave. He was sad of Gold was dead for now. After that 1 year passed and something weird started happening. The cactuses was started beign red all the other animals was also becoming red and agressive. Then Cuby and Cube teamed up to defeat Evil once again. They passed a jorney of avoiding every danger to get to the secret base and after that they found Evil but this time Evil had a metal suit so it made him more powerful. But Cuby and Cube still was able to defeat him. After they noticed that something is wrong. It looks like the life lands was turned into dead lands! Cuby and cube was not forced to go on a jorney again. They defeated Evil again. But... then they saw that that was Gold but he was corrupted by a soul? now Gold Cuby and Cube teamed up to beat Evil. Evil was using the Big's worm body and controlled it. They defeated the worm and after that Evil stole Gold into the void so Cuby and Cube saved him. They was going to the base of Evil to open the portal and go to the void. Cuby and Cube entered the void. They defeated Evil and got the key to open the Gold's cage. They sucesfully saved gold and leaved the void. The world was living happy until.... Evil has returned.

Cuby and Cube was forced to go on a jorney once again. they was seeing some ennemies like this: Tornado, Robotic Gold. yes Cube and Cuby was needed to free Gold. Cuby and Cube saved him. After that they found evil but then. They didnt kill Evil they summoned Cyan. Cube entered the GAME-CODE. He united Cyan's dead body his soul and Evil's soul to bring Cyan back. After Cyan and Cube was too close to get out of the GAME-CODE the portal closed and a Shadow was here. Cyan and Cube defeated Shadow. the Shadow suit was destroyed so Nikfd was no more protected. Nikfd opened a portal to let Cyan and Cube get out the GAME-CODE. The end



Next up

Update 2.0 is coming out soon!

It will include a lot of new content like: new bosses, new biomes, new enemies, new weapons and more. So stay tuned! ( To see what exactly will be added go to the article of the post. )

I was bored so I made this! #Aseprite #PixelArt

The eyes of the Defenders are watching.....

New update coming soon.

I decided to make an A little cube Hangout game in Roblox!

New Boss: The Elementals.

This is one of the unique double bossfights, where you have to fight 2 bosses at once.

a little cube lore

#FanArtFriday Green Hill Zone

a sneak peek of my admin menu >:)

Cool gif I made in Aseprite.

C H E E S E B U R G E R .