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gonna work on Henry (4/4) soon
color scheme will be based off of him here (on the left)
Dr. Henry Miller (1/4)
"the magenta fuck"
Dr. Henry Miller (3/4)
"The Spirit"
(ignore my music in the background)
Remembered that one day when I joined the Touhou Discord server, someone sent an MASSIVE BOOTY-CHEEK artwork out of nowhere in general, and I was like "The fuck is this shit?"
3 more versions to make still....
My ass is everyday listening to the most fire songs ever in a Character AI conversation not caring if it fits the mood or not on loop until I'm satisfied
i decided to actually model his face cause it will make animating him easier-
I just realized...
Jacktrap is gonna be sooooooo fun to make......
damn, that's a lot of people.
so I ended up having to remake the magenta fuck's texture, and I also decided to give him an idle animation like The Voidwalker