3 days ago

A long time ago I did my own Lovedtale take because I disliked the original. I was digging through some old files and found this and I found it hilarious. I even did UTY.

Original Lovedtale for those who don't know about it:

Lovedtale (from the English loved - beloved) is an alternative universe in which everyone has a soulmate and children. The AU takes place after the Pacifist's Path.

All canon pairings: Sans/Frisk, Alphys/Undyne, Papyrus/Mettaton, Asgore/Toriel, Chara/Azriel, Grillby/Muffet and Napstablook/Shyrene.

According to AU there is a comic, ask and other universes (for example, Lovedfell).

I hated the Frans part of the AU. So I did my own take and. . . Ummm:

Lovedtale (from the English loved - beloved) is an alternative universe in which every monster has an optional soulmate and optional children. The AU takes place after the Pacifist's Path.

Tbh idk why I thought this was a good idea. I'm not even much of a shipper. I don't plan on ever taking this project anywhere just something I wanted to do for fun.

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I wonder who this is?

(New character reveal soon!)

Lovedtale had an interesting concept but still doesn't change the fact that they put Frans (Frisk x Sans) and Whatever the ship name is for Chara x Azriel in here. Which I find absolutely horrible

Bitch you better be joking!

Anyone remember this WEBTOON comic?

Mmmm, I wonder who this could be?

Bro actually had a crush on her!?!?!!

I thought it was just a meme!

LOOK AT IT!!! (Art made by the teams wonderful new artist Daymationsdx. Link to social https://www.youtube.com/@daymationsdx)

(Vent art) I suck at anatomy. And I can't find one good fucking art tutorial online. At least not yet.

New logo made by @kr1staaa (Not apart of the team. Just something they were able to make for the game). Thanks a lot!

Go check out Undertale: Perseverance by @Undertale-Perseverance ! I really hope it has a graceful development (See what I did there? Lol).