Little Bug
7 years ago

A look back at my old Little Bug sketches

Hi, Bela again.
The Holidays are hectic, I’m writing this on the one day I have at home between two family trips. Lately I’ve been at my computer everyday and these trips force me away from my work - from Little Bug. So I want to take a minute to really step back, embrace that distance and reflect on where I was when Little Bug was just a thought. To do this, I dug up old sketches from the very beginning to share on this post, so if you’re ready for some time travel, let’s take a look at the orgin of Nyah.

Nyah used to be a shapeshifter with some [now that I look at it] heavily Kirby influenced moves.


She was called Hana, and here you can see how I messed with an opening screen animation.


This didn’t last. I never wrote why, but I began redrawing her and other ideas in my sketchbook roughly two years ago.


I downloaded blender and watched lots of tutorials, slowly figuring out how to model my new ideas.


When I put her new mesh into Unity, my mind was blown. I was one step closer to making a game.


Buuuut, again I changed my mind, remodeled her and put her back into Unity.


Finally after much overthinking, I redrew and modeled the version of her you see in the demo… only a month before I released it online.


While I was looking around in my incredibly messy archives, I also found this picture of me recording mountain wind high in the Sierra Nevada mountains. You can hear this recording many places in the demo.


I pulled together this handful of images from as far back as 2014, but this was just a glimpse to be sure. Nyah’s legacy and the world of Little Bug can be traced back even further in my zines and other dusty sketchbooks. I never thought Little Bug would accumulate into what it is today, and there is a whole lot more material that contributed to it’s current interactive state. For me it’s cathartic to look back at my work, but I’d love to hear back from you. Would you like to see more posts like this where I share pieces of Little Bug history? Let me know!

See ya later this month!



Next up

We have permanently lowered the price of our game Little Bug to $4.99! Enjoy <3

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