before i start i should clarify something


this post is simply made to teach them a lesson and to make sure they dont repeat the same mistake, harrasing is doing anything good, its just gonna make you look like a peice of shit.

@RednitteGamestop is a friend of mine and a somewhat well known animator and game dev being the greator of Those nights at a place, five nights at andersons and Blue b (a JOLLy fan game)

Recently Blue B got canned due to leaks and @RednitteGamestop made a post on his yt community stated the cancellation of the game, including a hidden message that contains the r slur.

The r slur is a very offensive term reffered to disabled people which is why its classified as a slur, Rednitte most likely didnt know that and used the slur thinking it was harmless

(This part is speaking directly to @RednitteGamestop )

Rednitte, you are a great friend and a talented game dev, but under no circumstances should you call someone a slur even if said person leaked your game, Its just gonna make things worse for you and its gonna make you look just as bad.



Next up

why my boy spazing out like that

testing >;]

pls tell me how to fix this it wont let me leave the games cause when i click leave the buttons dont show up

its so fucking annoying and it forces me to use task maneger to close roblox

wipped this up for fnaf's 10th anniversary

Seeing this image hits different idk why

what kind of atrocities did bro commit


sorry for lack of updates

have this art for now :]