22 hours ago

A message to my parents (and a vent)

Dear mom and dad;

I want the attention you give my brother.

I want you to love me

I try my hardest everyday to try to make you love me.

I know you love my brother more.

I know I’m older than him but I don’t understand why he gets whatever he wants.

I just want to feel loved.

I want you to be proud of me..

That’s why I signed up for all those competitions this year..

Speech, 3 dimensional design, accessory design, battle of the books..

Speech will terrify me..

Speaking in front of so many people..

But I’ll be fine..

As long as I can make you notice me.

At this point I only feel loved by @HAZE87



Next up

I’m a sacrifice!

@HAZE87 I’m sacrificing myself to you

This is me rn

I’m not obbesed

20 done!! Who next??????

On my way to dance class!! :3

Am I failing?? Maybe.. okay.. definitely..

Let’s do Denki now

These spots are taken:

Matching tags I made for my besties