Updates and Fixes
Yeti’s Phase 1 attack sprites now show the correct remastered ones.
In S2DT Outskirts Survival, Wave 2 now has 10 Newborns instead of 15.
The fog in the Graveyard map moves now.
Fixed a crash in S2D Yeti Survival when the Yeti uses the spike attack.
Fixed the "Target Acquired" unlocked logo showing the wrong icon in the menu.
Achievements now save properly when they disappear from the screen (like when an achievement pops up after unlocking it).
Fixed the white text issue with the Newborn count in S2D Satellite Station Survival.
You can no longer move through walls in the Tutorial.
Fixed an issue where you could still move with the joystick while dialogue was on the screen.
The Mini Announcer in Survival Mode now moves properly every time.
The green gift hat now show its sprites correctly on Android.
Remastered the sprites for the Scorpion miniboss from Wave 4.
Re-added the old monster from the Urgency map to Sandbox mode with its updated design.