Description: The Dark Sovereign, or simply the Sovereign, is a large, mysterious entity who has rarely been seen by wanderers. While not seen consistently, those who have encountered the Sovereign have gathered vital information which will be placed in the appropriate sections below.
The Sovereign is a 15' tall creature made of black onyx crystals, which absorb certain levels of light and do not reflect any imagery. He adorns a suit of armor, made of an unknown metal, which is upkept to a perfect condition. A large cape flows across his back, touching and dragging slightly on the ground behind him, with markings which are not recognizable to anyone who has seen them. He carries a greatsword, also made of black onyx, which he uses to kill hostile beings or humans should he come to that decision, and a crown floats above his head with four differently colored crystals inside.
Behaviors: The Sovereign is naturally benevolent, being welcoming and forthcoming to many wanderers who encounter him. He will ask how their days are, if they are in good health, if they need help, or, in desperate situations, will protect wanderers from hostile forces. He sees humans as "interesting," and has encountered "few who I have gotten close to. I wish to protect them."
However, the Sovereign will not do any of these things should wanderers act in a disrespectful manner or attack the Sovereign. An exception would be for those who are simply panicked, yet if one attacks the Sovereign deliberately he will retaliate. Conventional weaponry and firearms do not harm the Sovereign, only causing minor cracks where contact was made, and the injuries are healed upon the next encounter. His sword will cut through almost all materials, and he will not stop attacking until the wanderer has fled or been sufficiently terminated.
Biology: As stated prior, the Dark Sovereign stands at 15' tall, taking into account his horns and crown are a part of his body. His body underneath the armor is not known, though it is presumed that his entire body is made of black onyx. His hands are considered the more dangerous counterpart to his sword, as whatever he touches turns into a crystallized mass of crystal and black, rocky mass. It is currently unknown how he does this exactly, and more research is required.
The Sovereign does not need food or water for sustinance, yet he has the ability to consume food should he want to. His face will crack and snap into a sharp, spiked mouth, and his tongue is thin and sharp to compliment it. When he chooses, his mouth will close and return to normal with no signs of cracks.
Discovery: The Sovereign was first discovered by a wanderer from the K4, who was helping others escape Level 477. The operative approached the Sovereign and asked what it was, to where the Sovereign responded kindly and explained its existence. The operative marked down this information to relay back to their commanders, where the documents were shared to the public.
Another encounter occurred a month later, where a wanderer from the Anti-Entity Group spotted the Sovereign and attempted to terminate it. A week later, other members from the A.E.G. discovered the remains of the prior mentioned wanderer. The link was tied to the Sovereign through the clean cuts on the victim's torso and black crystals on the walls where the Sovereign touched.