Hello everyone! This is a surprise huh? Well, this will be a part-time series, I will not create another page, this will just be an exclusive thing for my Profile!
Anyway, for today, I will be reviewing the brand new Demo for INK Island - MOONLIGHT by @BonoDev ! (I got early access to it
This'll be short, I don't want the newer reviews to be 10 or 20 paragraphs :)

The Menu in Moonlight, in my opinion, has been presented in a very nice manner, I loved the Animated Text, where the lights blinked from left to right which gave the menu a very authentic and high-quality feel if you know what I mean.
I also liked the addition that when you hover over the button, a member from the Cast of Animatronics would show which was pretty cool.
I also liked the Implementation of a 'Records Feature' in the Menu, basically, every night you complete, you unlock more lore of the game. I will not spoil the Lore you unlock after beating the first night so y'all can explore that. Anyways, pretty cool.

The Models, although only Daniel's was shown off do look pretty decent. The effort inputted into them is extraordinary and fits the theme pretty nicely.
I especially loved Daniel's puppets because I love the funny puppets (). Although I may cover more about the models once they are fully shown off in the full version of Moonlight.

The first night in the Demo begins off with a cutscene where one of the managers welcomes you to the new INK Island Restaurant. It's very well made in my opinion but I suggest some subtitles.
The Gameplay (for the first night) is pretty slow (and a little boring) from my perspective. Although I did love how the office was modelled. The Camera system was very unique and it was pretty interesting. I enjoyed how you could switch cameras but one of my suggestions is to make us able to move through the cameras by pressing A or D.
The Rooms have also had lots of details put into em which clearly shows a lot of passion (which I approve of).
Daniel will move through the cameras to the door behind you, When he is at the door, you must hover over the door and hold down the left click to lock it and wait until he goes away (you have to do this every time he appears at the door until you reach 1 AM).
After you beat Night 1, you unlock a piece of game lore (which I will not show, go play the demo :D).
Overall, the Demo for INK Island - MOONLIGHT is pretty decent with a few flaws here and there, It is pretty unique and interesting and I'm very excited to see the full release of this game!
Seal 'o Approval.

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