1 year ago

A ring to govern them all

A ring to find them

One ring to bring them all and bind them to the dark



Next up

All the people who follow me now in my youtube channel i'm going to give him/her a sticker pack, so remember to add me to your friends in game jolt to give you. In my channel I have a FNAF little tape so se it!


Teletubbies XD moment!!!

I'm here again!!! only 5 followers more pls!!!

youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/@DemonMetal-Yt/videos

I won't post anything in this community at the moment, but if anyone wants feel free to post, I'll wait for another trailer or the launch of the series itself to use (=

whoever follow me is a fan of goku!

Follow my Middle Earth / Lord of the Rings community!!

It's a simple community only for those who really like Middle Earth.

Me and my friend when is a fight in the school

I think I do I answered very well

Galadriel πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›
