BraSonic 20XX (BrazSonic 20XX)
4 years ago

A SAGE 2021 acabou, mas BraSonic não! Mais fixes! | SAGE 2021 is over, but BrazSonic is not! More fixes!

É pessoal, a SAGE 2021 acabou há uns dias, e quero mais agradecer a todos que tiveram a oportunidade de jogar e fazer lives com o BraSonic 20XX, que não só diverte o BR em tempos de crise, mas também os estrangeiros, despertando a curiosidade no jogo inclusive.

A SAGE desse ano foi muito interessante, pois trouxe ainda mais jogos que a anterior, e os que já haviam participado antes, voltaram ainda melhores! Que venha a #sage2022 , pois até antes dela, o BraSonic 20XX estará terminado!

Também estou liberando algumas fixes, tanto para a versão Windows como a Android, de problemas que afetavam bastante o progresso do jogo, além de umas coisas terminadas:

Personagens: todos agora usam máscara contra covid nas missões de delivery!

  • Guarujá: Boss menos difícil

  • São Paulo Zone: mais decoração

  • São Paulo Zone: metrô

  • Pelotas Zone: tempo fechado de verdade

  • o nome do Influenciator 9000 estava errado!

  • Traduções em algumas cutscenes que estavam inconsistentes

  • Diamantina Zone: haviam partes do cenário faltando

  • 7a. esmeralda na versão mobile: os controles sumiam na tela do super brasonic

  • nomes de fases no modo multiplayer estavam desfigurados

Se descobrir mais alguma coisa, por favor me avise!


That's all folks, SAGE 2021 ended a few days ago, and I want to thank everyone who had the opportunity to play and stream BrazSonic 20XX, which not only brings fun to Brazil in times of crisis but also to foreigners, which also had fun and became more curious to the green hedgehog adventure.

This year's SAGE was very interesting, as it brought even more games than the previous year, and the ones that had already participated before, came back even better! Let #sage2022 come because even before it, we're going to have BrazSonic 20XX full!

I'm also releasing some fixes, for both the Windows and Android versions, of issues that greatly affected the game's progress, as well as some finished things:

  • Characters: Everyone now wears a mask against covid in delivery missions!

  • Guaruja: Less difficult boss

  • São Paulo Zone: more decoration

  • São Paulo Zone: subway trap actually working

  • Pelotas: a little more stormy now, as its subtitle use to claim

  • the name of the Influenciator 9000 was wrong on the dialogues!

  • Translations in some cutscenes that were inconsistent

  • Diamantina Zone: there were parts of the scenery missing

  • 7th emerald in mobile version: controls disappeared on the screen of super BrazSonic. It was actually a soft lock!

  • Multiplayer stage names were messed up

If you discover anything else, please let me know!



Next up

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Internet Archive: Pack de Games vintage de 2002-2006

BraSonic 20XX update 1.1.2 | BrazSonic 20XX update 1.1.2

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