Little Bug
6 years ago

A Slightly Mushy New Year's Check in

Hey Everyone, Bela here.
It’s a new year and it’s completely nuts to think that a year ago, I was frantically putting together a crowdfunding campaign to fund Little Bug’s full release. Many of you were following the game back then and some of you even supported us on Fig. I have never been so grateful to absolute strangers. You all made it possible for me and my small team to survive and figure out the strange world of game development through 2017. Even if you didn’t have the means to financially support us, your comments, follows and videos remind us that we are making something that lives and breathes beyond our own computer screens, and that reinforcement is absolutely priceless. It keeps us going.

For our new followers, welcome to the crew! Since it’s the new year and I’m feeling sentimental, I thought I’d fill you all in on what the Little Bug demo actually is.

The Little Bug Demo was my first attempt at making a video game. I made a couple smaller projects while working on it, but Little Bug was actually the first Unity project I ever created. It started off as a peaceful 2D walking sim. I had Ideas like: “when you jump a song plays as long as you are in the air and you can find new songs” or “you are a ghost and NPCs think you are the wind”. These ideas were cute, but they weren’t a game (they could be in the right hands probably). I fell in love with physics coding in Unity, and after endless tweaking, I arrived at the strange “jump/flying/grappling hook” mechanic in Little Bug. My only goal was to have it be 15 minutes long, be accessible to gamers and non-gamers alike and be done in time for Indiecade submissions. I finished a week early and was blown away that random people online were playing it and liked it. I called it a demo at the time because that’s what it was to me: a demonstration of everything I’d learned about game development and the world I wanted to create over the past year. So I guess what you are playing here on Gamejolt is more of an alpha or something, but I’m glad you are here to play it. Soon the full two hour version will be in the world, and it will also be called Little Bug. This isn’t to confuse you, it’s because I started off working on Little Bug not knowing where game development would take me and I could have never imagined I would be making a two hour Little Bug game for commercial release two years later.

Anyway, I usually like to post a Gif or a screenshot with my updates, but this time I just wanted to freely write to you all and say thanks and happy new year. Looking forward to updating you and bringing the full game to life this year!



Next up

The Altar We’re taking a different approach to the classic home menu: it’s an altar where all your offered items appear. Items you haven’t offered are blacked out and some special ones even open secret levels… there are 35 in all!

'Tis the season to make offerings to the dead. If you see Roadkill, make sure you have something interesting in your lunchbox you can spare!

We redesigned our Instagram putting more of a focus on telling Nyah's story. Told from her perspective, looking back at her childhood experience, the Instagram feed reads from oldest to most recent post.

Open Super Secret Bonus Levels in Roadkill's Altar!

We have permanently lowered the price of our game Little Bug to $4.99! Enjoy <3

Watch the Devs play at 12pm PT today!

A Very Vertical Scene of Nyah and her Light

Who remembers cheap video game keychains?

yay! we love fan art, especially this one of Nyah and Roadkill <3 so cute and so good!

The Shooty Hands The shooty Hands (I’m bad at coming up with names) have a trigger area, and if you cross into it, you better be prepared to outrun some high-speed severed finger tips of death!