The War Against Darkness

5 years ago

A small change in the economy

I have just uploaded the 17th version of the game, and in this version I have focused on fixing a small economy issue.

What have changed

  • All building and upgrading prices has doubled.

  • You now starts with 16 coins (before 8 coins)

  • You earn doubled as much in the towns.

  • You are now getting half of a buildings value, when you are selling a building.

  • I have also updated the description on the game jolt page.



Next up

A happy toy duck is living on a ice flak, but then something really bad happens. If you want to know what it is, then play the game "A Duck One Ice" here

Do you have success as a game developer? If you can say yes to this, then it is maybe time for you to play my game 'Harvest From Your Success'. You can find and try it here

Do you have success as a game developer? If you can say yes to this, then it is maybe time for you to play my game 'Harvest From Your Success'. You can find and try it here

#success #gamedev

You can now also buy new warriors on the castle. It cost you 6 coins per warrior.

What will happen when the universe ends? The answer is in my newest game "This is the end" and you can find and try it here

#humor #story #universe

It's soon Christmas and therefor it's time to play some Christmas games. I have this year made a small game about snowmen flighting in the snow. You can find and try the game here

#localmultiplayer #christmas #xmas #fight

It's very near Christmas, and it's naturally time to shoot some evil Aliens. You can do this in the "Alien Army (Christmas Edition)". You can find and try the game here

Merry Christmas to all of you

It's near #Christmas and Aliens has invaded Earth. It's you and the Alien Armies job to save Christmas and Earth.

You can try this Christmas version of the game "Alien Amry" here

It's Christmas and it 's time to shoot some aliens. So come and play "Alien Army (Christmas Edition)". You can find and try it here

Merry Christmas to all of you

Warrior animations updated I have now uploaded a new version of the game “The War Against Darkness”. In this version of the game I have made a lot of improvements for the warrior animations. _Good luck and have fun_