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"It's the prettiest night outside, bats are floating, flowers are photosintesin'... in nights like that, children like you...WOULD BE DEAD RIGHT WHERE YOU STAND"

@sol2rfl2r3 fanart :3 also, Androxious, but ligma

Thank you.

Your power awakened me from death.

lefty sonic from @MoleyMSPAINT Game

NYEHEHEHEHEH... HEH? #Undertale #Papyrus

finger salad

my silly take on fnam/nfam (tails is a engineer btw) (yoshi is still being made!!!!)

Minha oc aĆ­

*In the middle of the snow, i see a hoodied figure, with large spikes and... an axe? *It's smiling at me, with an rotten teeth and his Pink eye...