
2 years ago

A timer, hooray



Next up

Something spooky is coming soon 👻

Version 0.4.10 just released! Here are the changes:

Working on the full version of my game Cube Guy! So awesome, so cool You can download the public demo on the game page 😉

I have this pretty weird issue where when trying to upload a game build, the percentage will get stuck at a random number, so I have to refresh the page and hope it randomly goes to 100 percent. (Waiting doesn't make it un-stuck btw)

Yesterday I put my game "Cube Guy" on Steam! Steam page:

a new map has been added to Glowtown! This map was first teased like two years ago, but then something came in the way it's progress... *cough* Glowtown 2 *cough*... anyways, for the past month I have been working on it!

It's done now

Out and about in the cold!⛰️ Download demo and Wishlist here!🧊❄️

We may work on another big update for Glowtown, if we do, this will be in it!

Hi everyone!

We did not think this would take so long to make, but finally, after 3 months, Glowtown 2 is here! Have a spooky time playing!