9 years ago

A Trailer!

Skelemania has a trailer now! Go watch it! If you liked the trailer, consider liking it and sharing it with friends or on Twitter/Facebook. Stuff like that goes a long way.

In terms of a progress update. I’ve been working up a storm this past few weeks and have gotten a lot done. The entire map has been completed with a total of 192 rooms to explore. With that, I’ve also been working on the map system, the pause system, an items screen to show what you’ve collected and remind you how to use abilities, an ending with credits, secret areas, saving and loading, and the title screen. So it’s all starting to come together and I’ll be entering playtesting mode very soon to make sure everything works and nothing is too hard or boringly easy.



Next up

I'm developing a new commercial game with a small team! A demo will be coming to steam soon, but you can wishlist it in the meantime if you're into deckbuilding / autobattlers / roguelikes!

I'm currently making a Tetris + Mahjong hybrid game called #Nojong. Match colored blocks in the field to make clears. After a number of clears, the blocks left in your hand are scored, so you want to try and keep triples and quadruples in your hand.

Some awesome fanart from Zyalin!

For some reason, it's really hard to change the alpha value of a tile layer in GameMaker. You can do this easily for sprite or instance layers, but not tile layers. So here's a video on how to easily update the alpha value of tile layers in real time.

Wonder if anyone can guess what kinda game I'm working on right now with this GameJolt session data as the only clue. I bet someone can sleuth it out!



Menu system of the future! #Nojong

Coming Soon! #Nojong