Thank you all for this achevment, I couldn't have gone his far however, without these guys:
@blueberryteacookie 1st ever follower (Well sonic green was but uhh we don't talk bout him) he is the reason people noticed me in the first place, I seriously wouldn't be here if he hadn't followed me!

@hiberd helped me get to 50 followers and overall introducing me to other people, also, they introduce OTHER people to me!

@ThatOneBeendy also help the growth of my profile, so repay him by following not only them but everyone on this list.
@AlienAndy for always giving me gifts and being a funny guy, I hope to visit your home planet someday
@AndrewKetchup one word, cool and goofy, wait that's 2.
@UFOHareWare for helping me when I'm sad and always having the best oc's EVER invented, he also made my year too, thank you bro.
@AlexGamerPlaysOfficial 100th follower, congratulations :D
Might add more it's a w.i.p after all