6 months ago

ABANDONED: Reborn has been uncancelled!

Hey guys. For a long time now I felt completely isolated from FNaF. But now I got that FNaF spirit back and decided to work on this game again. After all, it's good to train the skills you already have so that you don't forget them. So far, it's actually fun again.

Pirate Caverns is being made. So far, floor 1 is done. I've also managed to add some crazy transitions for when you're moving around. Sadly I can't show them, making a video might spoil a bit too much.

But I did post new screenshots though! They show off both the main game and Pirate Caverns. Be sure to check those out!

Also, I believe I should've shown the main menu. Been keeping it secret for way too long. Obviously inspired by the original ABANDONED. Multiple characters will show themselves there of course, Sister Location style. I decided not to try to make new menu music however, and just used 5.7's instead. I may not have made that one from scratch, but I'm still proud of it. (Also in the screenshots of course)

Something to keep in mind though. Lately I started to understand that it's one thing to try to impress someone (despite me putting crazy transitions in pirate caverns lol) and another to make a fun game. Keeping in mind that the main game was made a very long time ago with less coding knowledge, I will not be recoding it and it will most definitely end up being the least optimized frame in the game. Sadly, I don't care enough to do that. Sorry if you're disappointed, but just know that if your computer can run Doom 3 on 60 or slightly less FPS (like me), you'll be able to run this game no problem.

I am trying to make assets for my dream fan games from time to time too. (making music is really fun) I decided to wait until I can get certain extensions for Clickteam to make those. As for my FNaF Offline remake, I'm still yet to decide if I want to continue making that. Maybe after this game. I'm hoping to get this game finished somewhere in the first half of 2024.

Thank you all for the support. I'm truly grateful. (Sorry if this post feels weird, I ended up writing this late at night in case I forget to do it in the morning)




Next up

felt like it


Comedic value + 100

My reaction

POV: You suck

New screenshot! Prorgess is going slowly, but surely...

Coming soon.

Name change!

New thumbnail!

POV: You decided to stop being a pussy and just improve it good job basil *thumbs up emoji*

By the way this is not a robot hand, it's just mechanical