My own little planet
7 years ago

About the demo and the upcoming of the full version.

Hey everybody! Here i’ll be explaining some stuff about the demo and what will be of the full version of the game :)

So, the demo. It has NO cutscenes, so you can jum straight into action, it only has 3 characters on the gallery so you can know a little about them.
The full version will have lots of cutscenes, enemies and insane bosses that will make you jump out of your sanity!

The full version will be available for voting on Steam Greenlight in the end of this month (february) and will surely not disappoint all of you players! :D
For now, like the official facebook page to keep up with the game development!
When the game goes on Steam Greenlight, i’ll be posting here to alert you people :D

Again, thanks a lot for the awesome support and feedbacks!

See ya!



Next up

Update #8 out now!

Let the pranks start here -->

Update #1 is here! Face off against the Duke of flies and his minions!

Update #4 is coming together! Tear Gemini apart from his evil brother!

Download and play now -->

Update #5 is leaking out! Peep needs a bathroom!

Download tha game now! -->

Update #6 is rolling in!

Multiplying enemies awaits you here -->

Update #3 is out now! Crush some spiders as the Widow approaches!

Download the game and get webbing -->

Update #9 is twisting in! Stop Gurdy Jr. before he's too big to deal with! Download and play here -->

Update #7 is charging at you!

Avoid Chub and his kids here -->

Update #2 is out now! Can you beat the Monstro under your bed?

Download the game and find out -->

Update #10 is here! It's time for a father-to-son battle! Download and play now -->