10 years ago

About the GunBlocks Crew

Let me introduce you…


The gun at the bottom is the Rookie. He’s basically the gun doing all the job, being pushed around by the commander and captain. For example, when everyone has a drone to fly through the level, he’s the guy which has to walk. His favorite quote is: “Worst day ever!”

The gun right to the Rookie is the gluttony Captain of the ship. He has only one thing on his mind: Eating his beloved mustard-mint flavor chips. He would even let his pet pig fly the ship just to take a walk and get a new bag from the back of the ship (That’s actually the reason that the ship crashed). Favorite quote: “Where are my chips?”

The gun to the left of Rookie is the Commander, Captain’s right hand. He’s the one trying to keep the ship running, but at the end his main task is to repair the damage the captain and his pet are producing all the time. When it comes to doing the job, he delegates everything to the Rookie. His favorite quote is: “You managed to do this? What a surprise!”

The friendly looking blue box, floating above the characters is ship’s over-friendly super computer. He’s following every one of Rookie’s steps. Rookie thinks that he has some serious short-circuits in his brain.

There are more characters in the screenshot, but they are still work in progress. We’ll see how they will develop in the future.



Next up

That's how the inner of a gundroid looks like. The most interesting part is the integrated energy-matter converter. With a corresponding blueprint a gundroid can replicate any kind of bullet.

#adventure #retro #altgame #puzzle #scifi #pixelart #conceptart

We're working on a new game mode! Drone Race. Rookie on the ground, drones in the air. Who will be the winner?

We plan to release this as a free extension to the Prologue.

#adventure #pixelart #gaming #indiegaming #tetris

There is a #webcomic series around the GunBlocks game.

"Struggles of a rookie", Episode 000 to 009 on IMGUR:

And if you feel like you need to help the rookie, download the game! ;-)

#adventure #retro #altgame #puzzle #scifi

There is some wisdom in this.

Keeping the talking short.

And we also have a new Drone Race poster! That's an exciting head-to-head race. Dronu delivering some TNT surprise.

Meet us at discord and drop your feedback:

#pixelart #gaming #adventure #tetris #indiegame

Be specific.

Tetris and Artillery got drunk one Christmas and made a baby, but... I guess Super Mario Kart was also at the party?

We just published the Drone Race Update. Turn-based racing. Start your engines!

#adventure #racing #pixelart #gaming #tetris #indiegaming

Doing some new environment moods. Swamp at the night. Scary and cozy at the same time

#screenshotsaturday #adventure #story #funny #pixelart