11 months ago

Acabo de crear esta comunidad para que cualquiera publique sus feddy´s, fan-art de feddy y memes sobre feddy claro

I just created this community for anyone to post their feddy's, feddy fan-art and memes about feddy of course




Next up

The same colors...

Mi humilde rincón gamig xd

My humble gaming corner xd


ok everyone, let's welcome the new jenny ^^ I decided to replace the old jenny since I thought that a sheep would be more original and cute >w<

Soy el único que si se pone de cabeza ve algo más que solo un arbol?

Am I the only one who, if he turns his head, sees something more than just a tree?

My daughter <3 her name is sugar

No se que decir al respecto la verdad

@Ginichi prende directo por 0,00001 segundos

El chat en corto: