18 days ago

Accidentally deleted my pinned post so here is my new one

(I'm that fucking stupid)


(in bio)

go out of article if you don't want like an essay of me bullshitting about myself

<I don't know why I stay here

everyone I used to like / were friends with

either left or deleted their account

this new pinned will prob be my last post lol>

anyway now the important hits out the way


I am morphinzombie / Morph1nzLBP

I am supposed to post lbp content but just dont

age: ain't telling

birthday is the 14th

I am very cringe (trying to fix that)

any post from last year is not who I want to be anymore and anything I have said / done I do not mean

(I have had controversy one time in my 2yrs of being here (with supper12)

it was mostly just tossing insults across the room

both of us didnt mean it and we said sorry and shi

all good now at this point)

I do swear frequently (no stopping that)

games I play (obviously)


fortnite (mid game)

tetris (better than my grandma)

lbp (of course)

warzone (mid)

counterstrike (mid too)

roblox (gooners ruined game)

geometry smash (Game)

portal (3 when)

half life (3 when)

team fortress (3 when)


prob alot more I just didnt mention it

I am not the nicest of people

just know that

I am very very very cringe and unfunny

most memes I post dont make much sense


thats pretty much it about me




Next up

I got school stuff to do so expect little to no posts the next 1-4 months!

am I cooked

still got time to post one tho

forgot to mention

moving to tiktok

gj is just bad

We can a agree


Youve been what

???? (Im in like 1.2 or 1.4)
