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Play as the bullet-reflecting Knight!
-Bounty Hunter now earns gold from their grenades
-Added hunting rifle
-Added burst shotgun
-Added homing star
Equip an actual rat and spew acid on everything!
-Added rat
-Added giant spoon
-Added flyswatter
-Added six-shooter
-Added acid blaster
-Added acid revolver 50 weapons milestone reached!
Big update to Gaunt Valkyr! Weapons can have 3 mods! Attaching mods now costs money.
Added big mag mod
Added tesla pistol
Added gatling tesla
Added triple plasma pistol
Added speedrun clock
...And more!
>Added the arena! Survive to earn special rewards!
>Added hearts!
>Added stubber machinegun!
>Added tesla pack!
>Added two secret weapons!
And much more!
-Reworked all revolvers. They deal almost triple the damage now, but have a maximum range!
-The snubnose revolver -The explosive revolver (a beast!) -Lifesteal mod
-added animations and sounds to the destroyers
-Added a new worldmap enemy patrol
Added a new character - the BERSERKER!
> Added frag mines
> Added bouncer shotgun
> Added machine pistol
We just added a homing chip mod that does funny things to all your weapons! Grenades especially are hilarious as they curve mid-air
Highlights: >You start with 10 HP! >Added ENEMY PATROLS to the world map! >An absolutely bonkers Sniper Rifle has been added >A chonky Double Slugger enters >Enemies drop more weapons >Changes to motherstorm >Changes to lots of old weapons!
Highlights: >Bounty hunter dash now gives invul-frames >Added elite [redacted] >Added homing auto-bolter >Added iron bouquet >Added splinter gun >Shopkeepers can now sell mods And much much more!