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Finished working on the main walking/sprinting movement, working on crouch. Still looks rough but I still need a spriter who can actually sprite human looking characters.
man @Tylerpires made a post about me saying im dead even though i've only been gone for a week lmfao
Shadow and Maria having a little stroll
HUD is for the most part done
we just need the map and the placements btw each server will have up to 6 maximum players
posting discord link again cause it got ejected from sonic fangames community
The servers about the fangame Sonic.EXE Rewritten, for discord exclusive teasers and suggestions for the main game itself, but your allowed to chill and vc in the server too.
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.