2 years ago

After many months. It has finally been made after relentless procrastination. Here is the short comic (Mythrilized Toonshow VS. Void). Hope you enjoy it none the less. It's sequel will be started on a fireside on Friday October 14th. See you guys then.



Next up

Geometry doodles part 8

Here's some villains and anti-heroes of the Mythrilverse

(Last one is birds eye view shot of the entire drawing)

Snippet of a full doodle

(I'll remaster this entire thing as a comic another time)

Here's where I'll put all reference sheets for Mythrilverse Characters.

[Listing Hero/Villain Alignments in Article]

!Important Notice!


This is going to be a lot, so brace yourselves for a lot of information.

Wip Redesigns

Left to right: Trial!Stripes, Time Star, Disrupt, Fierce

So the Nameless Badass game is pretty much done.

I'll upload it as a file for it's own game page which will also include any other games stupid like that joke game I took seriously.

As for other means of business, read the article.

ELA doodles part 2

Drew this with @StripesJ

[they drew Chara]

Some Ice Golem thing I drew for fun yesterday on my phone during lunch