And it's really something pretty big and real here!!! As you all may had heard the news since a few days ago, the people/creators of GMOD are like taking down like some many Nintendo-like addons and assists or even mods left and right!!!!! And I'm pretty sure that all of this is fake?!?!!!! I think.......
.......We aren't ALL sure on that!!!! Thankfully though, I was lucky and positive enough from saying some nice and positive comments on so many Nintendo-like content creators all over on YouTube!!!! Hope you're all doing the same things like I was doing today!!!! And I'm pretty sure that everything will be sure be back to normal!!!!
Anyways, please make sure to always pay respect and give some positive supports on many Nintendo content creators, designers, and animators!!!!! Hopefully this will all be sorted out eventually!!!! Anyways folks, be safe and see you all next time!!!! #SaveTheNintendoGMODcreations!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #BePositiveUnRespectful2Others!!!!!!! #LoveYouAll!!!!!!