2 months ago


b2008 (or his friends) reported previous post because b2008 forced them to do it i fucking bet, why do you all always turn a blind eye to what he did in the past, i can't believe you guys trust a racist
now a message to b2008, you keep annoying my friends and then you tell then to fuck off and then you keep provoking, what the actual fuck is wrong with you, you have friends just because you give them admin so then can keep sucking your dick and admin abusing with you, you always say how bad we are, but the reason why we hate you and what you did you can’t say because you’re scared? you always turn a blind eye to all arguments and try to prove that you are good but you continue to behave like a FUCKING ASSHOLE, fuck you don’t even understand how we suffer because of you, you continue to lie about us although you yourself are no better, i wonder how they trust you? they are friends with you only because you give your friends admin so that you can all abuse the rights together. i want to cry looking at how you manipulate people and use your friends to promote your mods that no one needs and just to report our mods and lie about us, you have brainwashed them all. justify himself and apologize for everything you did, if you turn a blind eye to everything you did in the past, don't you fucking say "i won't do it again" it's not the first time you've said this, you just will ignore the entire argument and keep shitting
if you keep adding me and my friends to gc's i will have to report you, you never change i swear to fucking god
hope you all are having a good day, bye.



Next up

this is my second oc! i haven't come up with a name for him yet lol, i might make a reference (both oc's) soon

thanks guys

gosh i hate those

Well, to tell you sad news is that one of my old friends online Kendrick "killed" himself just because his dog passed away, he "give" me a nitro last year on discord, he had a good run, but they had better place.


Kendrick and his dog



stay tuned!

about b2008 post (https://gamejolt.com/p/again-5abbtrfy) well this shit is still going on, looks like he wants to continue the drama (also letting you know, david is b2008), he doesn't even know about consequences lol

new zenka model! ik it has too many updates but yeah

b2008 is a racist, xenophobe and manipulator and the only bad persons here are me and ozis

@ everyione rate my new mod.