20 hours ago


how i still being a M U G E N after of so long? (after of the 2021 drama)



Next up

daily post this fucker until we know what is even if currenctly is probably impossible 13#

there i will continue with this for a well (i am r slur)

at this point didnt matter of the most important thing

which is ask for permissons for post this

if you say that this was made by a 17 (in that moment if i remember) person

probably wont even belive you

following that logic

yeah false king (this thing) can take form of forest king and other of those characters, the thing is his tastes

dont you love when

so classes will start soon in a few of days

wip of malicious reboot

malicious reboot

irrelevant in terms of lore ig

wanted to make him be the most generic possible

oh yeah i forgot put this here

''and you cant blame of this low possibility nobody than just...''


how many times i will try this...

genuiely the second best shit that i did