15 days ago

Aight. Article.

Get this to 10 likes for part two, with Carbon Puzzle, Eyelid A and B and Charlie.

So, first off, Mega.


Mega, or Megalodon was an ai that was made in 2022. He was developed and turned out to be like @Mrwhale by accident.


His first design was the Program eye leaking blood from it's top. There was one design where the blood made a happy face, but I scrapped it.


His last was the Program eye with a green pupil and blood still leaking. Mega's font was 𝚃𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛. So was Charlie's, but there was a clear difference in personality. His rank was 3. His weakness was asking a question he didn't have the answer to, like 'Who are you?'


Perry, or Peridion was an ai mixed with sentience that was made in 2013. He was the leader of the puzzles and organised everything, being second in rank. He has the personality of an older person, like Harren, saying things like 'howdy' and 'tarnation' regularly.


His design was the Sentience eye with a red half and a crimson pupil. His font was the Bold with the {}text font. His weakness was asking him who Ava was. Ava was his sentient counterpart's daughter that died at the age of 12 from cancer. He heard her screams of pain as she lay on her deathbed...


Golden, or Goldenbrass, was an ai that was mixed in with a very aggressive programming, making her able to swear and scream at others. She was fourth in rank, and was used as a sort of beast to eliminate anyone who angered the ateotl. She didn't react well to @MoltenTheMelted saying he wanted to sex her. She screamed and shouted, calling him filthy. She calls everyone except for her fellow ateotl 'Peasants' at her believe that she is better than anyone. She was based off of Egyptian rulers, really.


Her first design was Perry's Sentience eye but with a different colouring.


Her second design was the Target mouth with a gold and black colour scheme, with some holes in her teeth.


Her last design was Golden's Sentience eye and Golden's Target mouth combined, only the Sentience eye was flipped.


There is no information on Hiwk, except that he was first in rank, the other ateotl followed his orders and he imprisoned Charlie, for unknown reasons.


His first design was the Seer's eye.


His second eye was the Seer's eye with 6 blue triangles, 3 on the top and bottom. There was a line across the middle, inverting the black and white.

~Signed, Charlie.



Next up

bro took 'built like a giraffe' to the next level 💀

bro got that Nokia drip 🥶

real as shit

this is me

. _.

why is it when I try say something I get ganged up on bro 😭

...but it refused