※ spoilers in this post do not hide spoilers. they hide the answers, so you don't get overwhelmed from seeing many answers at once
※ i answered each question at the time Game Jolt asked it for a #GJAsks quest, so old answers may not show who i am today
What games would you most like to see crossover?
answered 2024-04-30
it would be great if free/libre open‑source games keep crossing over until we inadvertantly created the OSIU:
open‑source interactive universe
no Realms
What game have you replayed the most?
answered 2024-05-07
i almost never replay a game, so just 3 different points in life are enough to make Minecraft my most replayed game
What is your favorite video game console of all time?
answered 2024-05-14
i don't have a video game console,
i like to play indie games that i find for Linux Desktop
no Realms
Who's Your Favorite Gaming Mascot?
answered 2024-05-21
i can't decide between many
unless i finish creating my own game, then its mascot will be my favorite
What game do you wish would get a sequel?
answered 2024-05-28
i wish to create a better game in the spirit of Super Runner
though that desire is currently overpowered by other, more interesting, projects
What's The Most Embarrassing Death You've Ever Had In A Game?
answered 2024-06-10
i walked straight into a bottomless pit in Super Mario, thinking the pit might have a bottom
this is not actually embarrassing because Super Mario games do have pits that look bottomless but are not.
i just can't think of a more embarrassing death i had in a game.
Who's Your Favorite Fighting Game Character?
answered 2024-06-14
i haven't played enough fighting games to finish my opinion so
Mario in Super Smash Bros games
or perhaps Mayro in Supra Smash Bross / Supre Smesh Bras
What game are you currently playing?
answered 2024-06-18
right now i don't play a game but i focus my free time on creations i find important to make
What's your most anticipated game?
answered 2024-06-27
now i don't anticipate to play any game.
in the near future i will keep creating things i find important,
playing a game only when i take a break
What game would you like to see remade?
answered 2024-07-06
i think my game Super Runner could be reïmagined into something more enjoyable
What game do you wish would get turned into a movie?
answered 2024-07-09
none, as far as i'm concerned.
i already have so many things i wanna do.
What's your favorite video game soundtrack of all time?
answered 2024-07-16
i can't decide because so many video games have a great soundtrack.
i hope to make my video game soundtrack my favorite, with many ways it changes based on what happens.
What's your favorite game series?
answered 2024-07-24
this is another question i can't answer because there are so many good choices
no Realms
What's your favorite game genre?
answered 2024-07-30
everyone has their own way to split genres, so just saying the name of the genre is not useful.
my favorite kind of game is where i play as a character who explores and does parkour
Who's the scariest video game villain?
answered 2024-08-6
the scariest is when the player is their own villain
What's your favorite snack while gaming?
answered 2024-08-14
i never eat while playing. i always pause or quit when i want to eat.
anyway, these are my favorite snacks (in no meaningful order):
apple chips
banana chips
no Realms
What's your favorite indie game?
answered 2024-08-21
there are quite a few indie games that i really really like, so i can't choose a favorite
no Realms
What's your favorite piece of gaming merch?
answered 2024-08-29
What video game world do you wish you could live in?
answered 2024-09-07
i don't want to exit the real world forever to live in just one video game world
to me, part of the point of video games is that there's a lot of different video games i can choose to play
Who's your favorite video game sidekick?
answered 2024-09-13
either Luigi or Tails or Yoshi
Who's your favorite platforming character?
answered 2024-09-20
@gamejolt, stop makiŋ me answer "too many good choices" wiþ þese
here's a few i can think fastl̈y:
• Mario & Luigi
• Madeline
• Sonic & Tails
• Cube
• Kirby
• Peach & Daisy
• Aliens (Kenney assets)Realms:
What game has your favorite lore?
answered 2024-09-28
no, i have never paid much attention to any game lore
no Realms
What movie do you want to get a video game adaptation?
answered 2024-10-03
no, þanks
i believe þe best movies are movies because þe director knew from þe beginning þat þese stories are best shown as movies
What's your favorite power‑up?
answered 2024-10-13
most likely þe ice flower.
i can turn my enemies into platforms
but i have to approach þem from þe right angle,
so i need a bit of creativity to þrow my ice balls usefullypicture inspired by @KniteBlargh [1, 2]
What's your comfort game? (i.e. a video game you play to relax.)
answered 2024-10-21
i don't have a comfort game because i calm down wiþ art creation
i play games when i want adventure
What's your favorite character design?
answered 2024-10-27
i like a lot of character desiŋs very muč but i can't choose favorites
except for characters i desiŋd:
↖️ poppy
↗️ twistzie
↙️ Mimippy
↘️ Ree
What's your favorite multiplayer game?
answered 2024-10-29
my favorite multiplayer game is
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
What retro game do you want to see remade?
answered 2024-11-07
no, thanks. i am thinking so much about the game i have in pre‑production
What's the funniest video game you've ever played?
answered 2024-11-14
it's most likely Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Which video game do you wish had an animated series?
answered 2024-11-19
right now, i don't wish to see an animated series of any video game that doesn't have one.
once i made a few video games, i might want to make one or two animated short films about one of them
What's your favorite retro game?
answered 2024-11-30
i have not played retro games in a long time so i can't rember which is my favorite.
it might be Super Mario Land 2 or Super Mario Bros 3
What's your favorite video game movie?
answered 2024-12-03
the first and now only video game movie i have watched is Sonic the Hedgehog.
What video game prop do you wish you owned IRL?
answered 2024-12-13
"good thing i found a magic balloon" 🎈
What 2025 game are you most excited for?
answered 2025-01-04
i cann̈ot know because the year 2025 just began, so not all games for that year are announced.
i know that i am excited to make the core of one game project this year
What video game food do you wish was real?
answered 2025-01-09
blimp berries 🫐
What's your favorite quote from a video game?
answered 2025-01-14
i have two just as favorite quotes:
"Mah Boi, this piece is what All true warriors strive for" [1]
"you know what they Say, All Toasters Toast Toast" [2]
[1] clip from "Link: The Faces of Evil"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNEJ953Z7V0[2] clip from "Hotel Mario"
What's the hardest video game you've ever beaten?
answered 2025-01-25
i don't play many hard video games, so the hardest video game i have beaten is Celeste — though only until the staff credits; i decided to not try unlocking the door at the summit
If you could only play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
answered 2025-01-28
this seems near‑impossible to answer because most games are good for only a small part of life.
i might choose Minetest because it's a free and open‑source game with the literal purpose of being modded into many different game modes.
What retro game deserves a remake?
answered 2025-02-03
i think there should be actually good versions of both The Cheetahmen games from the NES
Who's your favorite video game villain?
answered 2025-02-11
it might be "a part of you" from Celeste. removing her doubts after nearing the summit proves that even if it's difficult, with enough determination i can remove my unjustified doubts about myself IRL too
What's the first game you ever beat?
answered 2025-12-18
i don't remember the first game i ever played,
so i also don't remember the first game i ever beat
no Realms