Hey folks, how are you? Happy New Year! (again xD).
Well, today, We have several things to say, mostly good news.
First of all, after a long time of researching and learning how the Reddit network operates ,I have decided to open an official subreddit of game, in short, an official forum of the game! But in this subreddit you will not only be able to talk about this game, you all could talk about the FNAFsaga and other fanmades too without ANY restriction.
You can enter from now on this link and post anything you want within the rules: https://www.reddit.com/r/fnafDARKSPACE (Maybe Its a little bit empty or that some things still missing, dont worry, write all your suggestions here and will be adding it.)
More things. Another thing we wanted to mention to you particularly is that we will do a contest for you. What will it consist of? Very easy. We want to see your creativity and your artistic sense. We want your drawings or fan creations, and either a drawing, render, a caricature, a design of your character, a sketch of how you think that it will be the game, etc … you can send your sketches sending them on Twitter (you must mention @DivadMalas and / or @FreddyFazzbear ) or by the new subreddit (/r/ fnafDARKSPACE). Among the best will have a surprise appearance in the final game. So you know, get the artist you have inside!
Talking of competitions or contests, we have been seeing your requests for the draw of private beta, the truth is that there are sooooo many inscriptions. *Tomorrow you will have the official results directly in the new subreddit and a couple of hours later here, in Gamejolt.
And then talking about the game, or rather, the two we are making (DARK SPACE and Recover F.A.Z.B.E.A.R) are going very well. As we say in Spain, “viento en popa” We cant even say an official date because we are not very safe. But we hope to tell you more shortly.
And … I think that’s all for now. We love your support for this project, thanks for all the Christmas greetings (which incidentally have not finished for me) and hope to surprise you soon.
Best Regards
All the FNAF DARK SPACE Development Team