Also before I get that amazing 700 followers of amazing people I want to say thanks for some friends
@sanko_idiot_sandwich amazing man
@Roblostheepicguy cool person
@NormanTheMemer you are like a brother for me
@Bloxy_9000 best pal
@Polilart cool friend and person
@Canilloki gigachad
@Azzy_Mezzy cool person
@Nachomega cool man (Revivete porfador)
@YraisYT / @YraisYT2 best friend too
@The_Triolges_Team best friend2
@sikopath cool man in the past /still cool/
@Playerv2 the speed runner
@JeremyGonzalez_833e amigo genial
@luther_piolas cool momero
@Wolf541 giga cool
@ThemaxXD cool pizza tower player
@Skyeevg cool friend
You guys can support them if you want
I think that's all