Sanic Ball: Reloaded
10 years ago

Almost Ready For Release

After hours of hard work, the first alpha of Sanic Ball: Reloaded is almost ready for download. Granted there won’t be much content, and it may get boring quickly however I am almost happy that the version currently being worked on is stable and ready to be released to the public. Sadly there is no multiplayer…YET!

Please read ALL of the below text!!!

Sadly this game will be $5.00 AUD, this is only because all of the time and effort put in needs to bee recognised…NAH just kidding, the game will be 100% free to download and play.

Although I say ALMOST READY, I really mean the download will be ready in about 1 week if everything goes to plan.

Thank You, to the small amount of people that have followed the game, it really helps with the development. I’ll explain further…Sometimes gamedev can get very tedious and boring almost to the point where the project can be dropped altogether. However when a notification pops up saying that someone has followed, or somebody has commented, it really makes us game developers feel like we are making the game for a purpose, when we see that notification, it gives us the determination to fix game breaking glitches (which mind you, can get absolutely frustrating sometimes).

So once more, I just wanted to say thankyou,

-Osma Games



Next up

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.



Ibuki Mioda!

Finished work on the emotions of a new character for the tank universe

Shuiro Haname. #Commission

Commission for @ShuHaname

Levels' maps.

Super Sonic Pixel art.

A calm and quiet day.. Made surreal by the feeling of finding an elven building in the mountains, and wondering of its purpose and story. I built this elven style house and it was my first attempt at something like this, but what do you think?


Someone seems to be a little angry