14 days ago

alright, about the whole blade and nic drama. Simply. Blade should've accepted the block.

simply, here is the story (as of now.)

blade gets blocked by nic, blade does not take it well, nic makes a post on why they blocked blade.

And then blade proceeds to lie out of his teeth.

and when that didn't work, he started to threaten suicide


the image of the glock is just taken from a website. (Which means he lied about the gun.)


but then when he gets back lash he acts like the victim (he's not a victim in any way he started the drama and also started lying.)

to put it short, blade is lying. He faked suicide and is all around a pretty shitty person.

more info by silly nic:

Niko! on Game Jolt: "Exposing @TheBoyBlade ."





Next up

1. Pal, calm down and smoke a joint, it's just biscuits.

2. The biscuit army is weak. The potato army is better. Simple.


something, something, sniper voice line

running outta things to say or something,


1. Nah. Your gonna starve while watchin that movie fuck you mate.

2. D E F E N D.


This Has legit footage of Me And @Skaterforce245 Speaking If We ever meet in Real Life.

1. Biscuits are ass pal, get in uniform and eat potatoes.

2. Based skater?


good morning, the gamejolt republic.